viernes, marzo 11, 2005


El brillante artículo de Seumas Milne en The Guardian deja las cosas muy claras: lo que se está poniendo en marcha en Oriente Medio no es la democracia, sino la expansión de los intereses occidentales. EE UU no prentende, ni mucho menos, liberar a los pueblos árabes y favorecer la libertad en Siria y Líbano. Lo que realmente pretende es continuar con su plan para controlar esta zona estratégica del mundo, dominar a Siria, uno de los pocos regímenes árabes que se rebelaba contra EE UU, y beneficiar una vez más a Israel:

"What has actually taken place since 9/11 and the Iraq war is a relentless expansion of US control of the Middle East, of which the threats to Syria are a part. The Americans now have a military presence in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman and Qatar - and in not one of those countries did an elected government invite them in. Of course Arabs want an end to tyrannical regimes, most of which have been supported over the years by the US, Britain and France: that is the source of much anti-western Muslim anger. The dictators remain in place by US licence, which can be revoked at any time - and managed elections are being used as another mechanism for maintaining pro-western regimes rather than spreading democracy.

Jack Straw is right about one thing: there's no happy future in the regional status quo. His government could play a crucial role in helping to promote a real programme for liberty and democracy in the Middle East: it would need to include a commitment to allow independent media such as al-Jazeera to flourish; an end to military and financial support for despots; and a withdrawal of all foreign forces from the region. Now that would herald a real dawn of freedom".

Merece la pena leer este artículo de principio a fin. Seumas Milne pone de manifiesto el doble rasero de Occidente y cómo nos están intentando vender una conquista como una liberación. Que no nos vendan la moto.

- Muy interesante el especial de The Guardian sobre Siria y Líbano.

- Aquí, el artículo de Seumas Milne: "It is not democracy that´s on the march in the Middle East"