lunes, septiembre 11, 2006


Algunas cosillas sobre este quinto aniversario del 11-S:

En muchos medios nos insisten una vez más con todo lo que ha cambiado "nuestro mundo" (signifique lo que signifique esto) desde el 11-S. Menos mal que en Foreign Policy nos dan otra visión histórica del asunto y desde Los Angeles Times también nos dicen que la vida ha cambiado para muy pocas personas (para mí, desde luego, muy pero que muy poquito).

FP: [...] If you look closely at the trend lines since 9/11, what is remarkable is how little the world has changed. The forces of globalization continue unabated; indeed, if anything, they have accelerated. The issues of the day that we were debating on that morning in September are largely the same. Across broad measures of political, economic, and social data, the constants outweigh the variations. And, five years later, the United States’ foreign policy is marked by no greater strategic clarity than it had on Sept. 10, 2001.

Por otro lado, el editorial de The New York Times aprovecha el aniversario para analizar la reacción de la Administración Bush y su política durante los últimos cinco años. Y le meten cañita de la buena:

[...] Without ever having asked to be exempt from the demands of this new post-9/11 war, we were cut out. Everything would be paid for with the blood of other people’s children, and with money earned by the next generation. Our role appeared to be confined to waiting in longer lines at the airport. President Bush, searching the other day for an example of post-9/11 sacrifice, pointed out that everybody pays taxes.

That pinched view of our responsibility as citizens got us tax cuts we didn’t need and an invasion that never would have occurred if every voter’s sons and daughters were eligible for the draft. With no call to work together on some effort greater than ourselves, we were free to relapse into a self- centeredness that became a second national tragedy. We have spent the last few years fighting each other with more avidity than we fight the enemy.

Algunos links más:

Foreign Policy - Think again: 9/11
Los Angeles Times - September 11, five years later (cobertura completa con muchos recursos multimedia)
Washington Post - The Disbelievers
Guerra Eterna - Disney y Al Qaeda: una alianza muy rentable